Reaper, Inc. — Part 12 — Producing 5

Jeremy Applebaum
2 min readJul 30, 2020


AKA On Hold

This is probably going to be my last update, at least for awhile anyway. The project isn’t dead, at least not that I know of, but I did speak to Filmaka on the phone today (07/30/2020) and they don’t have an ETA on when they are going to give me feedback.

On 07/22/2020 I heard back from my last installment via email about feedback and they asked me for sometimes I could talk on the phone on either Thursday (07/30/2020) or Friday (07/31/2020). I replied with a fair amount of options. Long story short, I didn’t hear back from them with a time to meet so today (07/30/2020), which is one of the days they had originally asked about, I sucked it up, picked up the phone, and called them in an effort to set a time/date.

In retrospect probably should have called sooner instead of waiting for an email but I’m a millennial and we fear phone calls. They said they want to make the project this year but the head of Filmaka is in post for another project and they are unsure when exactly they will get back to me.

Somewhat annoying and frustrating but at the same time it’s also good and bad news.

The Good News —

1: They for sure want to make the project and are not ghosting me.

2: The head of the company wants to speak with me about it.

3: Delaying helps with Covid19.

4: Some pressure is lifted.

The Bad News —

1: No ETA.

2: It’s impossible to really plan anything.

3: The weight of it is going to hang from neck for awhile longer.

4: It’s going to snow sooner or later and once it goes we just have to wait till it clears.

Good and bad aside there really isn’t anything I can do right now other than just wait. Production wise there is nothing that makes sense that I can do at this point. Casting, looking at locations, planning, interviewing crew, etc… just don’t make sense with no shoot date. I might try to make something smaller in October (assuming I don’t hear back by then) and I’ll probably blog about it so keep on the look out for that.

With that in mind see you in the next installment (when ever that may be)!

Want to follow this whole journey from beginning? Start here!

You can follow me on Instragram here.

You can follow Reaper, Inc. On Instagram here.

P.S. Filmaka didn’t directly sponsor this blog other than giving me 35,000 to make a webseries.

