Marker’s Mark

Jeremy Applebaum
4 min readAug 3, 2021


AKA First time for everything, I suppose.

Before I get into it please watch the final edited scene of my short script “Marker’s Mark”* that won the July 2021 INDIDB Production Playground Screenwriting Challenge**.

Amusingly I made a typo on the title of script I turned in and despite me attempting to correct it to the correct title “Maker’s Mark”, “Marker’s Mark” was kept.

So it’s weird, like really really weird watching someone else direct and someone else shoot words you wrote. In the past, if I wrote a script I either directed it or just sat on it, and other than Reaper, Inc., I haven’t really submitted anything to “serious” contests.

Well thats kind of lie. I have submitted to the past two INDIDB Production Playground Screenwriting Challenges** (you can view the past two winning films here and here). However neither my first nor second script*** were chosen (totally fine). That being said, nothing against Ruben or Herb but I do think they will both agree with me when I say these really are not “super serious” contests.

The short its self is shot in roughly four hours**** with three cameras and released fairly soon afterward. Theres a finite limit to how good something can be in those constraints. While I don’t know how Ruben and Herb view these productions I personally view them as just something to do and a chance to network. It’s also kind of nice to be below the line***** every now and then and really not have to 100% care how something turns out so long as you just do you job.

Lets get the elephant out of the way first — yes, just like on the past two winners, I still worked as a gaffer/camera operator on this one. I didn’t have to and could have just sat in a directors chair, next to Ruben, and watched as the other winners have done.

However I’m a unique case because as far as I know the other winners didn’t (at least at the time of shooting their scripts) have the technical and directing chops I have.

I decided it was probably better if I didn’t sit next to Ruben and whisper various thoughts into his ears as I wanted to give him to space to direct the short the way he wanted.

In fact, during production, other than make a slight line change (I added a word because it was funnier) I did just that. I helped with lighting, managing the crew and general camera related tasks. From a camera and lighting side I worked about as hard as I usually do, maybe even a little harder, but this Playground also felt “bigger”******.

So that aiside —

It was really strange and eye opening and eye opening to watch someone else bring words I wrote to life.

The scripts I write, when I write them, I read and imagine with a slower pace in my head. I don’t write (meaningly anyway) faster paced dialogue. The same goes for me as narrative director (most recently here and here).

Ruben, on the other hand, saw it differently. He saw it as a more quick witted, faster pasted scene. Truth be told, while it wouldn’t have been my first choice or even how I originally saw it, I liked it. It gave me a new lease on how I saw a way to direct my writing.

Now at first I was a bit — skeptical/nervous/not sure how I would react — to seeing someone else direct my writing but I’m glad I had the opportunity. I’m glad I got to see someone else put their spin on my work, someone else take my work and shoot and direct it differently than I would. It was eye opening and it’s not say I’m going to write and direct a bunch of quick witted things while it won’t affect the current short I’m in preproduction for*** going forward I’m going to view my writing differently.

You can follow me on Instragram here.

You can follow Reaper, Inc. On Instagram here.

* The title was supposed to be “Maker’s Mark”. I made a typo on the title and wrote “Marker’s Mark”. For whatever reason that title was kept.

** Once a month INDIDB hosts production playground/script challenges. “Marker’s Mark” won the third one.

*** My next narrative directorial project at the time of writing this (08/03/2021) is actually my script from the second challenge. You can read about the film, “Absolution”, here.

**** “Marker’s Mark”actually had a day of set up and pre rigging but the filming it’s self took about four hours. I helped with the set up and would have regardless of if I won or not.

***** I know cinematographers are technically below the line but I also tend to produce most projects I’m on in some shape or form.

****** It’s highly likely it felt bigger because I won and I was paying a little closer attention to it. However this one had a day of set up prior. It could also be that “Production Playgrounds” are getting bigger in scope my script was just the first under that methodology.

